Flowers. Particularly those romantic creatures growing on a meadow. But there is more that makes this dress the ultimate. This one has stolen the heart of each and every woman. They adore it. Want it.... Challenging me to find the formula for creating the ultimate dress.

At first glance the major factor for success is in the print, followed by the fabric quality. Another strong influence is the cut of the dress. And last but not least, the color. My choice of the ratio would be 30:30:30:10 = flowers: silk crepe muslin: design: blue. No matter how strong the impression left by the flower print, believe me, the design & fabric which both allow these flowers to live, grow, thrive… is crucial. A V-neck, long sleeves, folded lower part, pockets… all these are setting the perfect scene for a meadow, soft, romantic, playful…

Take notes:
I opted for three styles: boho, city and beach.

1. Boho ain’t boho without an oversized cowboy shirt. Hope you don’t need an extra clue to get some old shirt. Yes, I’m talking about a vintage, second-hand, re-used shirt, call it what you will. Please, not only for sustainable reasons, the story is what we are searching for in everyday life. Some old useless shirt of a possible real cowboy would write such a cool one…

2. City will conquer the city only by heels and collar. The V-neck of the dress luckily lets you wear a shirt or any other piece underneath. I myself choose a shirt over all instead of a shirt alone. The transparent textile is suitable for pants fusion. See & read more in one of my previous posts: here.

3. Beach is simple as lying on the beach. Any kind of swimwear fits. Barefoot is a must. Your towel and bag are the dress’s twin brothers, marching in flower prints too, competing with her for the crowd’s attention. Let them win, because the dress might be the ultimate, however the accessory is fashion’s god.