Despite how strong street style has been lately, when it comes to evening outfits, the corset is still the queen. Or is it the king?
The most popular piece for evening events is a corset. I googled studies on this topic, but haven’t found anything useful yet. But you don’t need an official survey to see it, google “corset“ or “red carpet“, and there you go… tons of corsets. Due to my customers I shall without any hesitation confirm that women still dream of being the one – Cinderella :)

Regardless of whether it is as a solo garment or as part of a dress, women like to be tidied up, especially around the belly. And a corset with the extra bonus of the push-up boobs effect is there for you to solve all your body problems. Alongside a corset, you can dress up a short or a long skirt, depending on your readiness to show off your legs and/or wear high heels. Yes, a long dress might even allow you to be a heel-less party breaker, something rather uncommon for evening outfits, right?

Take notes:
1. So, we learnt about corsets. Let’s now learn how to turn them into a daily outfit. That’s where I see a challenge. Many of you would not consider it at first, right? You have this black and white style policy baked somewhere into the left-side of your brains. I’m talking about it because that is so typical, and so HARD to change. In my 10-year career, besides designing, this is my priority challenge: to break such style perception barriers. Therefore, read this a million times: “A corset can be worn as a daily outfit, yes it can!“
2. Replace skirts with wide pants, and you will be super ready for your job. Don’t go for a jeans & corset combination, smells like teens, just way to simple. If wide pants are not a part of your wardrobe, put them on a shopping list at once. If you have a reasonable explanation of rejecting them (like your height issues), fair enough – choose pencil trousers instead.

3. Wear a trench coat over a corset. If the corset is the king of the evening, the trench coat is the king of the street. Go on, wear it like a jacket, blazer, dress. Yes, break a style rule again – the trench coat isn’t just a coat anymore! It’s like a bandage for any wounds. Have you seen the MET Gala 2017 dress/trench on Priyanka Chopra of Ralph Lauren? Explains my theory more than I ever could!