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Bel Canto (1)
Across the River and into the Trees (1)
The physical and psychological injuries to Richard, a "beat-up old bastard" as he calls himself, demand unconditional, selfless…
Across the River and into the Trees (2)
Androgynous series, 1
Fashion’s tendency towards mixing genders is growing visibly on the catwalk, with both the models’ selections…
M. Antoinette, by S. Zweig (3)
"How incredible the history can creates maximum tension of only puff pastry, queen Marie is the most beautiful example."
Bad Energy II
RE: Burrberry 1/1
”It is a perfect trench, don’t even dare to cut it.” I imagine how upset and disturbed you are feeling…
{crop-top, 1}
What draws the line between men and women in fashion? Well, the line has been blurring more and more over the past years,…
Bel Canto (1)
Across the River and into the Trees (1)
Love is all we need In the spirit of the message at Givenchy’s…
Across the River and into the Trees (2)
Androgynous series, 1
Can androgyny be sexy? Fashion’s tendency towards…